Everleigh sisters
Everleigh sisters, American madams whose luxurious and notorious Chicago brothel indulged wealthy and influential patrons from that city and around the world. Ada Everleigh (b. Feb. 15, 1876, near Louisville, Ky., U.S.—d. Jan. 3, 1960, Virginia) and Minna Everleigh (b. July 5/13, 1878, near Louisville, Ky., U.S.—d. Sept. 16, 1948, New York, N.Y.) operated the Everleigh Club from 1900 to 1911.
The sisters were probably originally of the surname Lester. Early marriages failed for each of them, and they became actresses in a traveling company. In 1898, having come into a legacy of some $35,000, they opened a high-class brothel in Omaha, Nebraska, where the Trans-Mississippi Exposition supplied ready customers. It was at this time that they adopted the name Everleigh.
In less than two years the Everleigh sisters had doubled their investment, which they liquidated to buy out a flourishing brothel at 2131 South Dearborn Street in Chicago. In February 1900, after elaborate redecorating, they opened the Everleigh Club. In the 11 years they were in business, theirs was, in the words of the Chicago Vice Commission, “probably the most famous and luxurious house of prostitution in the country.” The opulent club was furnished with tapestries, Oriental rugs, statuary, gold-framed nude paintings, a library filled with expensively bound volumes, and a music parlour featuring a $15,000 gold-leaf piano. A dozen downstairs parlours, decorated along various themes such as the Silver Parlor, the Gold Parlor, the Rose Parlor, or the Japanese Throne Room, catered to groups, whereas the more private encounters took place in equally luxurious upstairs chambers. The dining room, designed to suggest a private Pullman car, provided dinners and suppers for the epicure, featuring caviar, oysters, duck, capon, and lobster. Even the club’s $650 gold cuspidors became legendary.
These sybaritic surroundings catered to a clientele that included captains of industry, important politicians, the occasional European noble or even royal, and others who could afford the then exorbitant prices: $10 for admission, $12 for a bottle of wine, $50 for dinner, $25 for supper, and $50 for an evening with one of the carefully chosen and trained hostesses. The club was expanded into the adjoining property in 1902 as the sisters’ contributions to the First Ward Democratic organization, headed by “Bathhouse John” Coughlin and Michael (“Hinky-Dink”) Kenna, kept the forces of law at bay. Popular reform was not so easily controlled, however, and public pressure eventually forced the city administration to take official notice.
A vice commission appointed in 1910 reported on nearly 600 houses of prostitution in Chicago, but the Everleighs’ was the most visible and the politically necessary first target. On orders of the reform mayor, Carter H. Harrison, Jr., the club was closed in October 1911. The sisters retired with an estimated $1,000,000 in cash and $200,000 in jewelry. After an extensive European tour they returned to Chicago, but their notoriety made a quiet retirement there impossible, and they settled in New York City. For their remaining years of theatregoing and poetry reading, they resumed use of the surname Lester.