electronic artificial life game
electronic artificial life game, electronic game genre in which players nurture or control artificial life (A-life) forms. One of the earliest examples is The Game of Life, a cellular automaton created by the English mathematician John Conway in the 1960s. Following a few simple rules, various “organisms” evolve on the basis of where starting “seeds” are placed.
More than any other individual, American computer programmer and cofounder of Maxis Software William (Will) Wright is associated with the development of commercial A-life games. His first commercial A-life release was SimEarth (1990), a world-builder simulation for personal computers (PCs) in which players select from various landforms and climates for their planet, seed the planet with very primitive life forms, and wait to see if advanced life will develop. Compared with his hit electronic management game SimCity (1989), it was a flop. Undeterred, Maxis tried again with a simpler simulation, SimAnt (1991), in which players take the role of a black ant (yellow in the game) as it helps its colony compete for resources with a computer-controlled colony of red ants. Maxis followed with the critically acclaimed SimLife (1992), an A-life simulation in which players adjust numerous environmental and genetic parameters to influence the evolution of plants and animals within the game. It has often been used as a tool for teaching children how plants, herbivores, and carnivores interact to maintain a sustainable ecosystem. Maxis (now part of Electronic Arts) returned to this format with Spore (2008), another single-player A-life game with several notable features: players can upload their designed or evolved creatures to a central database that may be used to populate the A-life universe, or metaverse; after evolving space-faring species, players can visit other players’ home worlds; statistics are available concerning how each player is faring compared with other players and how their creatures have interacted with other players’ creations within the metaverse; and players can capture video of their creatures for uploading to YouTube (a video-sharing site owned by the search engine company Google, Inc.).
Maxis also developed The Sims (2000), an A-life simulation that is among the best-selling games of all time for PCs. In the game players take control of one or more virtual people (Sims) and may direct virtually every aspect of their lives. The Sims and its sequels The Sims 2 (2004) and The Sims 3 (2009), which are essentially elaborate electronic dollhouses, were the first electronic games to appeal to large numbers of females.