Jean Decoux
Jean Decoux (born 1884, Bordeaux, Fr.—died Oct. 21, 1963, Paris) was the governor-general of French Indochina for the provisional (Vichy) French government during World War II (1940–45). His reforms, which were designed to undermine Japanese influence in the area, unwittingly helped lay the groundwork for Vietnamese nationalist resistance to French rule after the war.
Decoux was promoted to rear admiral in 1935 and became vice admiral and commander in chief of French naval forces in East Asia in 1939. He became governor-general of Indochina on July 20, 1940, soon after France’s capitulation to Germany. Within two weeks he received demands from the Japanese for permission to send troops through Tonkin (now northern Vietnam) in order to block Allied supply routes to China and for use of Indochinese air bases to facilitate Japan’s conquest of China. Loyal to France and resolved to preserve its colonial prestige, Decoux cabled for assistance to Vichy. The government there advised him to submit to the Japanese demands, and on September 20 he concluded a treaty that opened the harbour of Haiphong to the Japanese and gave them the right to station their troops in Tonkin.
Although the Japanese allowed Decoux and his French administration to remain in nominal control of the mundane affairs of state, he was not permitted to do anything that conflicted with their interests. In the face of Japanese threats of invasion, he mobilized Indochina’s natural resources and manpower for the Japanese war effort late in 1941. Meanwhile, he worked to promote understanding and to improve social relations between the Indochinese people and the French colonists. He set up youth groups and other organizations that later opposed the reimposition of the French colonial regime.
Decoux installed Vietnamese in civil-service posts, with salaries equal to those of Frenchmen, and established an advisory Franco-Vietnamese grand federal council, with twice as many Vietnamese nationals as Frenchmen represented. The council had little real power, but many of its Vietnamese officials later attained administrative posts under the Viet Minh’s independent government.
Initially a strict Vichy supporter, Decoux switched his loyalties to the Free French under General Charles de Gaulle toward the end of the war and sought to undermine Japanese occupation forces. He was arrested by the Japanese on March 9, 1945, after their invasion of Indochina.
After the war he was imprisoned by the French for two years for collaborating with the discredited Vichy government and abetting the Japanese war effort. In 1949 he published his memoirs, À la barre de l’Indochine: histoire de mon gouvernement générale—1940–1945 (“At the Helm of Indochina: My History as Governor-General—1940–1945”).