density-dependent factor
density-dependent factor, in ecology, any force that affects the size of a population of living things in response to the density of the population (the number of individuals per unit area). Density-dependent factors often arise from biological phenomena, rather than from physical and chemical phenomena. Density-dependent factors are sometimes called regulating factors because of their potential for maintaining population density within a narrow range of values.
For example, some diseases spread faster in populations where individuals live in close proximity with one another than in those whose individuals live farther apart. Similarly, competition for food and other resources rises with density and affects an increasing proportion of the population. However, as density decreases, such as through mortality or migration, the influence of density-dependent factors also decreases. For example, disease transmission may decline as individuals perish and surviving members of a population come into contact with one another less frequently. Likewise, competition for food and water, nesting sites, areas with adequate levels of sunlight, and other critical resources falls as individuals spread out.
The dynamics of most populations of living things are influenced by a combination of density-dependent factors and density-independent factors (that is, those that affect the population regardless of how concentrated its members are), and the relative effects of the factors vary among populations.