transitional justice
transitional justice, national institutions or practices that identify and address injustices committed under a prior regime as part of a process of political change (see also truth commission).
It might be argued that all justice is transitional justice, given that the political realm is always undergoing change in some form, however slowly. Nevertheless, transitional justice is generally distinguished from ordinary criminal justice in two ways. First, transitional justice addresses violence that was authorized or legitimated by political authorities, which means that it cannot necessarily rely on established laws or traditions. Instead, it entails the reclassification of practices once considered appropriate or even patriotic as now unjust, criminal, and abusive. Second, transitional justice addresses widespread and systematic abuses. Whereas criminal justice is commonly designed to address actions that deviate from the norm, transitional justice addresses abuses that could not have been carried out without the active involvement and tacit complicity of a significant portion of the population.
In the context of a liberalizing or democratizing transition, those features give rise to a common set of dilemmas. The central goal of criminalizing violence authorized under a prior regime is in tension with procedural standards for establishing the integrity of law, such as the prohibition of retroactive punishment. The sheer number of those implicated in political violence would overwhelm even a well-functioning judicial system, but transitional justice implies a context in which the judicial system is itself undergoing transformation. The process of condemning actions that were widespread or authorized by political leaders is controversial and potentially destabilizing. The question of how such challenges ought to be addressed has been a source of debate in the fields of human rights, international relations, comparative politics, and political theory (see political philosophy).