Gujarati literature
Gujarati literature, literature of the Gujarati language, a major tongue of India. The oldest examples of Gujarati literature date from the writings of the 12th-century Jain scholar and saint Hemachandra. The language had fully developed by the late 12th century. There are works extant from the middle of the 14th century, didactic texts written in prose by Jain monks; one such text is the Balavabodha (“Instructions to the Young”), by Tarunaprabha. A non-Jain text from the same period is Gunavanta’s Vasanta-vilasa (“The Joys of Spring”). Two Gujarati bhakti (devotional) poets, both belonging to the 15th century, are Narasimha Mahata (or Mehta) and Bhalana (or Purushottama Maharaja). The latter cast the 10th book of the Bhagavata-purana into short lyrics.
By far the most famous of the bhakti poets is a woman, the saint Mira Bai, who lived during the first half of the 16th century. Though married to a mortal, Mira Bai thought of the god Krishna as her true husband. Her lyrics, telling of her relationship with her god and lover, are among the warmest and most moving in Indian literature.
One of the best known of the non-bhakti Gujarati poets is Premananda Bhatta (16th century), who wrote narrative poems based on Purana-like tales. Though his themes were conventional, his characters were real and vital, and he infused new life into the literature of his language.
Deeply influenced by the advent of British rule, the Gujarati literary scene in the year 1886 saw the Kusumamala (“Garland of Flowers”), a collection of lyrics by Narsingh Rao. Other poets of the late 19th and early 20th centuries include Kalapi, Kant, and especially Nanalal Dalpatram Kavi, who experimented in free verse and was the first poet to eulogize Mohandas K. Gandhi. Himself a Gujarati, Gandhi admonished poets to write for the masses and thus inaugurated a period of poetic concern with changes in the social order. Many incidents in Gandhi’s life inspired the songs of poets. That period in Gujarat, as elsewhere, gave way to a period of progressivism, as seen in the class-conflict poetry of R.L. Meghani and Bhogilal Gandhi. In postindependence India, poetry tended toward introspection. However, the modern forms have not superseded the traditional verse of devotion to God and love of nature.
Among novelists, Govardhanram Tripathi (1855–1907) stood out. His Sarasvatichandra was the first social novel and became a classic. In the period after independence, the Modernists embraced existentialist, Surrealist, and Symbolist trends and gave voice to a modern sense of alienation. Later Gujarati writers include K.M. Munshi, Harindra Dave, Umashankar Joshi, Pannabhai Patel, Rajendra Shah, and Bhagwati Sharma.