Development Assistance Committee
Development Assistance Committee (DAC), international committee acting under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The DAC collects and analyzes development data and provides a forum where the world’s major bilateral aid donors meet to discuss, review, and coordinate aid policy with the objective of expanding the volume and effectiveness of official resource transfers to developing countries. The DAC does not disburse aid but seeks to harmonize and encourage the development assistance policies of its member states.
Originally conceived in January 1960 as the Development Assistance Group, the organization was reconstituted as the DAC following the creation of the OECD in 1961. The DAC has 24 members: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) hold observer status. Thus, although all DAC members belong to the OECD, not all OECD members belong to the DAC.
The DAC’s main achievement has been the evolution of codes of best practice that member countries are expected to observe in the framing and implementing of official development policy. Adherence to these guidelines is monitored through triennial peer reviews of donor countries’ performance. These reviews examine, inter alia, the volume of aid, the general configuration and trajectory of national development policies, and the organizational coherence of national development strategies; they also make recommendations for improvement. Most of the DAC’s work is undertaken by committees and working groups composed of officials from national capitals. The DAC also relies on the support of the OECD’s Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD). This directorate, consisting of approximately 40 officials, is split into four divisions: the Review and Evaluation Division, which supervises the process of peer review and provides ongoing monitoring of the aid programs of DAC members; the Policy Coherence Division, which examines the differing dimensions of poverty and their relationship; the Policy Coordination Division, which evaluates aid effectiveness and the connections between different policy areas; and the Statistics and Monitoring Division, which is responsible for collating and disseminating data on official development assistance.
The DAC has been criticized because it does not provide an official voice for developing countries and because of the persistent failure of most of its members to meet the target, initially set by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1968, of allocating 0.7 percent of their national income for official development assistance. Moreover, the role of the DAC is increasingly compromised by competition from other multilateral institutions and the growing significance of private capital flows to developing nations.