case-control study
case-control study, in epidemiology, observational (nonexperimental) study design used to ascertain information on differences in suspected exposures and outcomes between individuals with a disease of interest (cases) and comparable individuals who do not have the disease (controls). Analysis yields an odds ratio (OR) that reflects the relative probabilities of exposure in the two populations. Case-control studies can be classified as retrospective (dealing with a past exposure) or prospective (dealing with an anticipated exposure), depending on when cases are identified in relation to the measurement of exposures. The case-control study was first used in its modern form in 1926. It grew in popularity in the 1950s following the publication of several seminal case-control studies that established a link between smoking and lung cancer.
Case-control studies are advantageous because they require smaller sample sizes and thus fewer resources and less time than other observational studies. The case-control design also is the most practical option for studying exposure related to rare diseases. That is in part because known cases can be compared with selected controls (as opposed to waiting for cases to emerge, which is required by other observational study designs) and in part because of the rare disease assumption, in which OR mathematically becomes an increasingly better approximation of relative risk as disease incidence declines. Case-control studies also are used for diseases that have long latent periods (long durations between exposure and disease manifestation) and are ideal when multiple potential risk factors are at play.
The primary challenge in designing a case-control study is the appropriate selection of cases and controls. Poor selection can result in confounding, in which correlations that are unrelated to the exposure exist between case and control subjects. Confounding in turn affects estimates of the association between disease and exposure, causing selection bias, which distorts OR figures. To overcome selection bias, controls typically are selected from the same source population as that used for the selection of cases. In addition, cases and controls may be matched by relevant characteristics. During the analysis of study data, multivariate analysis (usually logistic regression) can be used to adjust for the effect of measured confounders.
Bias in a case-control study might also result if exposures cannot be measured or recalled equally in both cases and controls. Healthy controls, for example, may not have been seen by a physician for a particular illness or may not remember the details of their illness. Choosing from a population with a disease different from the one of interest but of similar impact or incidence may minimize recall and measurement bias, since affected individuals may be more likely to recall exposures or to have had their information recorded to a level comparable to cases.