Alexander Wendt
Alexander Wendt (born 1958, Mainz, West Germany) is a German-born American political scientist and educator, one of the most-influential theorists of the social-constructivist approach to the study of international relations.
Wendt was a graduate of Macalester College (B.A. 1982) and obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1989. He taught at Yale University (1989–97), Dartmouth College (1997–99), and the University of Chicago (1999–2005) before joining the political science faculty of the Ohio State University in 2004 as Mershon Professor of International Security.
The publication of Wendt’s essay “Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics” (1992) established him as the leading thinker of constructivism in international relations. Broadly defined, constructivism is a theoretical framework in which the fundamental elements of international politics are conceived of as social constructs. For constructivists, elements such as power, norms, interests, and even identity are not immutable facts that determine unidirectionally the behaviour of international actors. Instead, they are partly shaped by that behaviour.
Wendt challenged the then dominant theory in the field, neorealism (or structural realism), by arguing that the system it takes for granted is in fact socially constructed. Neorealists argued that, in the context of “anarchy” (the absence of any authority above the state), international politics is directly determined by the distribution of power among states. Because there exists no arbiter of disputes between states, neorealists contend, competing states are forced to expect and prepare for conflict. The condition of anarchy necessarily creates a “self-help” system in which states are bent on maximizing their power as the only sure way to secure their survival.
Wendt, in contrast, argued that anarchy is not an immutable structure that determines states’ behaviour but a condition whose meaning is itself contingent upon state relations. Self-help, therefore, is not the inevitable reality of international relations but only one among many forms of state identity and interest. Because neorealists consider self-help to be the fixed structure of international relations, they turn to the distribution of power between states as the key variable that determines their actions. For Wendt, however, international relations cannot be studied on the basis of the distribution of power alone, since the meaning of the latter, like that of anarchy, is mediated by ideas, norms, and practices. As he put it, “It is collective meanings that constitute the structures which organize our actions.” For instance, the position of England or Germany vis-à-vis the United States cannot be assessed solely on the basis of their respective resources and military capabilites, since that power will be construed differently depending on whether the state in question is approached as a potential ally, a competitor, or an enemy. British missiles, Wendt noted, did not have the same significance for the United States as those of the Soviet Union, regardless of their number and destructive power. The Cold War, he thus argued, ended not so much because the balance of power between the U.S. and the Soviet Union changed but because the two countries simply ceased to regard each other as enemies.
Wendt thus emphasized how the interactions between actors in international politics shape their identities and interests as well as their assesments of each other’s power. That perspective led him to reject the pessimistic predictions of neorealists. Just as competition can fuel egotism and thus reproduce itself, Wendt argued, states can learn to cooperate and, in the process, develop a more cooperative (or “other-regarding”) and less militaristic conception of themselves.
In 2005 Wendt received the International Studies Best Book of the Decade award from the International Studies Association for his work Social Theory of International Politics (1999), which systematically expounds his constructivist theory. In 2009 he cofounded (with Duncan Snidal) the journal International Theory.