Fazang (born 643, Ch’ang-an, now Xi’an, China—died 712, Ch’ang-an) was a Buddhist monk usually considered to be the founder of the Huayan school of Buddhism in China because he systematized its doctrines. Basically, the Huayan school taught that all phenomena are interrelated. Hence every living being possesses the Buddha-nature within.
According to legend, Fazang aided the great Buddhist thinker and pilgrim Xuanzang in translating some of the sutras (Buddhist scriptures) that the master had brought back with him from India. But Fazang disagreed with Xuanzang’s contention that not all sentient beings possess the Buddha-nature and left him. He then turned to the Huayanjing (“Garland of Flowers Classic”)—Avatamsaka-sutra in Sanskrit—and soon became master of that text. His reputation led to repeated invitations to lecture on that sutra within the imperial palace. As a result, Fazang served as preceptor to four rulers and was especially favoured by the empress Wu Hou (reigned 690–705), who gave him the spiritual name Xianshou. The Huayan school spread to Japan, where it is known as Kegon. Its philosophy exercised considerable effect there on the development of neo-Confucian thought.