José Figueres Ferrer
José Figueres Ferrer (born Sept. 25, 1906, San Ramón, C.Rica—died June 8, 1990, San José) was a moderate socialist Costa Rican statesman who served as president of a governing junta in 1948–49 and as constitutional president in 1953–58 and 1970–74.
Figueres was educated in universities in Costa Rica and Mexico, and he also studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After returning to Costa Rica, he turned to agriculture, engaging in coffee planting and the production of cabuya (an agave plant from which rope and bags are made). His criticism of the government of Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia in July 1942 forced him into exile in Mexico for two years.
When Calderón was defeated by Otilio Ulate for reelection in 1948, the Legislative Assembly annulled the election and tried to reinstall Calderón. Figueres, who had hidden arms and ammunition on his plantation near Cartago, led an uprising in support of Ulate. The two-month civil war ended when Calderón’s forces, despite being backed by Nicaraguan strongman Anastasio Somoza, capitulated. A junta dominated by Figueres wrote a new constitution that, among other reforms, abolished the army and granted women the right to vote. The government was turned over to Ulate in 1949, who encouraged nationalization of certain enterprises, such as banking and insurance. He described the uprising of 1948 as a “revolution of the middle class.”
Elected president by a landslide in 1953, Figueres pledged his government would follow a “pro-United States” policy. Figueres was a firmly anticommunist social democrat, and during this period he instituted many social and economic reforms. When an invasion force crossed the border from Nicaragua in 1955, Figueres appealed to the Organization of American States (OAS) for assistance. With material assistance from the United States, Costa Rica successfully repelled the invasion.
Between the end of his first term in office in 1958 and the beginning of his second term in 1970, Figueres worked in several UN agencies, wrote numerous articles on Costa Rican and Caribbean politics, and served as visiting professor at Harvard University (1963–64) and the State University of New York (1967). In this period he was identified as an admirer of John F. Kennedy and a supporter of the Alliance for Progress, as well as a determined opponent of dictatorship; he became a symbol of the “democratic left” in Latin America. Figueres’s second constitutional term as president (1970–74) was controversial, namely because he invited fugitive U.S. financier Robert Vesco to live and invest in Costa Rica in 1972. Figueres also was one of the first Latin American presidents to open diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and to advocate the return of Fidel Castro’s Cuba into regular membership of the OAS. After leaving the presidency, he ardently supported the cause of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua against the Somoza dynasty.