Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling (born July 27, 1948, Uppsala, Sweden—died February 7, 2017, Uppsala) was a Swedish physician and statistician who collected statistics and used computer software, props, and his own showmanship to illuminate facts and trends revealed by the data in a series of presentations that made him a YouTube star.
His best-known lecture, “The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen,” was presented at a 2006 TED conference. Rosling used statistics to show that worldwide fertility was decreasing and that the era of fast population growth would therefore end by mid-century, that the distinction between developed and developing countries has blurred, that global health is improving, and that extreme poverty in the world is decreasing.
Rosling studied (1967–73) statistics and medicine at Uppsala University and (1972) public health at St. John’s Medical College in Bangalore (now Bengaluru), India. He worked for much of the next 20 years in Africa—first in Mozambique, where he served as a district medical officer, and later in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then called Zaire) and Tanzania. In the latter he and other researchers identified the cause of a paralytic disease as being consumption of insufficiently processed cassava roots, which contain high levels of a precursor to cyanide and form a large portion of the diet in all three countries. From 1996 he was associated with the Karolinska Institute.
In 2005 Rosling cofounded Gapminder, a foundation that seeks to place facts and statistics in the service of sustainable global development. The organization’s first project was the development of Trendalyzer software to convert statistics over time into animated graphics that made them easy to grasp. (The software was acquired by Google in 2007.) Rosling gave talks at several TED conferences and created the TV documentaries The Joy of Stats (2010) and Don’t Panic: The Truth about Population (2013). He wrote (with Fanny Hargestäm) a memoir, Hur jag lärde mig förstå världen (2017; How I Learned to Understand the World), and (with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund) the posthumously published Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World—and Why Things Are Better Than You Think (2018).