Siege of Rome
The defense of the short-lived Roman Republic that had been declared in February 1849 made Giuseppe Garibaldi a hero of Italian nationalists. The fall of Rome in July 1849 to French forces, after a month-long siege, meant that the republic was overthrown and the pope restored to power. However, defeat in Rome only strengthened the long-term cause of Italian unification.
In November 1848, revolution in the Papal States swept Pope Pius IX from power, and he called upon Catholic powers to restore his authority. The newly elected French president (soon to be self-appointed emperor), Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III), decided to appease French Catholics and forestall an Austrian invasion by intervening in Italy.
By April 1849, the first 10,000 French troops had landed and, commanded by General Nicolas Charles Victor Oudinot, were marching on Rome, expecting to be hailed as liberators. The Roman garrison, commanded by the guerrilla leader Garibaldi, was a mixture of volunteers from across Italy, as well as papal troops who had joined the revolution; it numbered just 7,000, but the men were determined to fight. The French were shocked to come under cannon fire as they approached the city. After Garibaldi defeated them at the San Pancrazio gate on April 30, the French retreated. An armistice allowed the French to assemble 30,000 troops equipped with artillery, and the siege of the city began in earnest on June 1. When hostilities were renewed, the Romans neglected to warn outlying positions, and the crucial position at Villa Pamphili was surprised and overwhelmed.
With the city covered by French guns, the issue was effectively decided. Futile but heroic counterattacks were launched, and a determined stand was made on the walls. When they fell, hastily constructed inner defenses were defended with great courage, further inspiring the Risorgimento.
A truce was negotiated on July 1 between French representative Ferdinand de Lesseps and Giuseppe Mazzini of the Roman General Assembly, and a day later Garibaldi withdrew from the city with several thousand volunteers and took refuge in San Marino. Despite the fall of Rome and the restoration of papal authority over the city, Italians had demonstrated how well they could fight for the ideal of Italy, and with France defeated 20 years later in the Franco-German War and unable to support him, the pope was forced to cede power. Italy’s unification was then complete.
Losses: Unknown.