flower chafer
flower chafer, (subfamily Cetoniinae), any of a group of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae (insect order Coleoptera) that are distributed worldwide and are brilliantly coloured, with the majority of the iridescent species occurring in the tropics. Most measure less than 12 mm (0.5 inch), although a few well-known ones are longer. The pollen-feeding adults tend to be hairy and are good pollinators. Euphoria inda resembles a bumblebee and even buzzes while flying. The North American green June beetle (Cotinis nitida) is about 25 mm (1 inch) long, dull velvet green in colour, and edged in yellow and brown. It feeds on figs and other fruits, often causing great damage. Larvae crawl on their backs using muscular pads on the back instead of their legs for locomotion.
Probably the best-known member is the African goliath beetle (Goliathus giganteus). This insect is white with bold black lines on its promontum (the upper plate of the prothorax) and has brown wing covers (elytra). It may be more than 10 cm (4 inches) long and has black, leathery wings that are larger than those of a sparrow. Most flower chafers have only small protuberances on the tops of their heads and prothorax (region immediately behind the head), although some have long hornlike structures. The colour of Hetorrhina dohrni of Sumatra, one of the most beautiful insects, changes with shifts in light from black and gold-green to deep orange-red.