ship of Theseus

ship of Theseus, in the history of Western philosophy, an ancient paradox regarding identity and change across time. Mentioned by Plutarch and later modified by Thomas Hobbes, the ship of Theseus has spawned a variety of theories of identity within modern and contemporary metaphysics.

Discussions of the ship of Theseus are typically framed in terms of two kinds of identity, descriptive (or qualitative) and numerical, and a principle of identity associated with the early modern philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, known as the principle of the indiscernibility of identicals, or Leibniz’s law (see identity of indiscernibles). Descriptive identity is a relation that obtains between two or more distinct things that share all of the same (nonrelational) properties or qualities. One might say, for example, that the room in which G.W.F. Hegel lectured was identical to the room in which Arthur Schopenhauer lectured, meaning that the rooms existed in different places or times but were in every other respect exact duplicates of each other. Numerical identity is a relation that obtains between a thing and itself—i.e., a relation that each thing has to itself and to no other thing. (In statements of numerical identity, however, the self-identical thing is typically referred to by two or more different names or descriptions: e.g., “Mark Twain is identical to Samuel Clemens.”) Thus, the room in which Hegel lectured would be identical in the numerical sense to the room in which Schopenhauer lectured only if the two philosophers had lectured in one and the same room.

Regarding Leibniz’s law, the principle states that if a thing x is numerically identical to a thing y, then any property that holds of x also holds of y, and any property that holds of y also holds of x. In other words, if x and y are numerically identical, then x and y have exactly the same properties. Expressed formally, the principle is: (x = y) ⊃ (Fx ≡ Fy), where = means “is identical to,” ⊃ means “if...then,” and ≡ means “if and only if.”

The original problem of the ship of Theseus (the legendary Attic hero who slew the Minotaur of Crete) was described by Plutarch in his “Life of Theseus”:

The ship wherein Theseus…returned [from Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus [died c. 280 bce], for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question as to things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same.

The version of the problem presented by Hobbes (in his work De Corpore) introduces a complication by supposing that the old planks of the ship are preserved and put together “in the same order” to construct another ship. This modern version has been variously formulated; one way of posing it is the following. A newly constructed ship, made entirely of wooden planks, is named the Ariadne (after the daughter of King Minos who helped Theseus escape after he slew the Minotaur) and put to sea. While the ship is sailing, the planks of which it is constructed are replaced (gradually and one at a time) by new planks, each replacement plank being descriptively identical with the plank it replaces. The original planks are taken ashore and stored in Piraeus (the port of ancient Athens). After all the planks have been replaced, the ship constructed entirely of the replacement planks is still sailing in the Aegean Sea (the Aegean ship). The old planks are then assembled in a dry dock in Piraeus to form a new ship (the Piraean ship). The planks that constitute the Piraean ship are arranged exactly as they were when they first constituted the Ariadne. By Leibniz’s law (and common sense), the Aegean ship and the Piraean ship are not the same ship. But which (if either) is the same ship as the Ariadne? The problem of the ship of Theseus is the problem of finding the right answer to that question.

One might argue that the Aegean ship is the Ariadne, because a ship does not cease to exist when only one of its constituent planks is replaced; hence, during the gradual replacement of its planks, there was no point at which the Ariadne ceased to be the ship it originally was. But one could also argue that the Piraean ship is the Ariadne, because the Piraean ship and the Ariadne (at the first moment of its existence) are composed of exactly the same planks arranged in exactly the same way. Note that one could not argue that both the Aegean ship and the Piraean ship are the Ariadne, because that would entail, by the principle of the transitivity of identity (if a = b and b = c, then a = c), that the Aegean ship and the Piraean ship are numerically identical to each other.

Various possible solutions to the problem of the ship of Theseus involve replacing or augmenting the conventional notion of numerical identity with new relations (see below). To be plausible, however, any solution that retains the conventional notion must be consistent with Leibniz’s law.

A problem similar to that of the ship of Theseus has been pointed out by philosophical critics of various Christian theological doctrines, particularly those of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Eucharist. Many philosophers have held, for example, that the doctrine of the Trinity (the unity in one Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) violates the principle of the transitivity of identity, since it implies, for example, that the Father and the Son are identical to God but not identical to each other.

In response to such criticism, the English Roman Catholic philosopher Peter Geach (1916–2013) proposed a radical solution that appears to have application beyond the theological problem regarding the transitivity of identity. According to Geach, there is no such thing as numerical identity; there are, instead, many relations of the form “is the same F as,” where “F” is a sortal term designating a kind of thing (e.g., “human being,” “animal,” “living organism,” “plank,” “ship,” “material object,” and so on). Geach maintained that no rule of logic licenses an inference from “x is the same F as y” to “x is the same G as y” if “F” and “G” represent logically independent sortal terms. Accordingly, as far as logic is concerned, it is perfectly possible for there to be entities x and y such that: (1) x is the same F as y, but (2) x is not the same G as y. Geach’s theory would thus permit one to reformulate the Trinitarian implication above as follows: (1) the Father is the same God as the Son (i.e., the Father and the Son are both God), but (2) the Father is not the same person as the Son. Geach’s theory is characterized as the view that identity is relative to a sortal term or simply as the theory of relative identity.

As indicated above, the theory of relative identity might be applied to problem of the ship of Theseus and other problems of identity across time. Thus, regarding the ship of Theseus, one might propose the following: (1) since there is no such relation as numerical identity, the question of whether the Ariadne is the Aegean ship or the Piraean ship is meaningless; (2) the Ariadne, the Aegean ship, and the Piraean ship are all ships and all material things; (3) the Ariadne and the Aegean ship are the same ship but not the same material thing; and (4) the Ariadne and the Piraean ship are the same material thing but not the same ship.

Other proposed solutions to the problem of the ship of Theseus and related puzzles have incorporated new relations based on theories of material constitution, on a presumed distinction between “strict” and “loose” identity, and on the notion of “temporal parts” (see metaphysics: Persistence through time), among other approaches.

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