gray fox
gray fox, (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), grizzled, gray-furred New World fox of the family Canidae. It is found in forested, rocky, and brush-covered country from Canada to northern South America. Distinguished by the reddish colour on its neck, ears, and legs, the gray fox grows to a length of about 50–75 cm (20–30 inches), excluding its 30–40-centimetre tail, and a weight of about 3–6 kg (7–13 pounds). It is more retiring and less crafty than the red fox, and unlike other foxes it commonly climbs trees. It is primarily nocturnal and takes a variety of foods, including small birds and mammals, insects, and fruit. Its two to seven dark-furred pups are born in spring, after a gestation of about 63 days.
The gray fox, though it may sometimes raid hen houses, is beneficial in controlling the rodent population; its fur is often sold but is not of great value. A closely related but smaller form, the island gray fox (U. littoralis), is found on islands off the coast of southern California. The name gray fox is sometimes also applied to the hoary fox (see fox) of Europe.