halo, any of a wide range of atmospheric optical phenomena that result when the Sun or Moon shines through thin clouds composed of ice crystals. These phenomena may be due to the refraction of light that passes through the crystals, or the reflection of light from crystal faces, or a combination of both effects. Refraction effects give rise to colour separation because of the slightly different bending of the different colours composing the incident light as it passes through the crystals. On the other hand, reflection phenomena are whitish in colour, because the incident light is not broken up into its component colours, each wavelength being reflected at the same angle.
The most common halo is the 22° halo, a series of coloured arcs, or in some cases complete circles, of 22° angular radius with the Sun or Moon at its centre. The order of coloration is red on the inside and blue on the outside, opposite to that of the atmospheric corona.
Less frequently observed phenomena, such as parhelia, sun pillars, tangent arcs, sun crosses, and others, also are attributable to the reflection or refraction of sunlight or moonlight by ice crystals.