Hangul, alphabetic system used for writing the Korean language. The system, known as Chosŏn muntcha in North Korea, consists of 24 letters (originally 28), including 14 consonants and 10 vowels. The consonant characters are formed with curved or angled lines. The vowels are composed of vertical or horizontal straight lines together with short lines on either side of the main line.
The development of the Hangul alphabet is traditionally ascribed to Sejong, fourth king of the Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty; the system was made the official writing system for the Korean language in 1446 by one of Sejong’s decrees. The script was generally known until the 20th century by the name Sejong gave it, Hunminjŏngŭm (Hunminjeongeum; loosely translated, “Proper Sounds to Instruct the People”). Because of the influence of Confucianism and of Chinese culture, Hangul was not used by scholars or Koreans of the upper classes until after 1945.