ideal solution
ideal solution, homogeneous mixture of substances that has physical properties linearly related to the properties of the pure components. The classic statement of this condition is Raoult’s law, which is valid for many highly dilute solutions and for a limited class of concentrated solutions, namely, those in which the interactions between the molecules of solute and solvent are the same as those between the molecules of each substance by itself. Solutions of benzene and toluene, which have very similar molecular structures, are ideal: any mixture of the two has a volume equal to the sum of the volumes of the separate components, and the mixing process occurs without absorption or evolution of heat. The vapour pressures of the solutions are mathematically represented by a linear function of the molecular composition.
When the components of nonideal solutions are mixed, the volume of the mixture ordinarily differs from the sum of the volumes of the pure components, and heat is evolved or absorbed. The properties of such solutions often are described in terms of their deviations from those of ideal solutions. Mixtures of acetone and chloroform, for example, are said to show negative deviations from ideality: their vapour pressures are lower than those calculated on the assumption of a linear relationship to the molecular composition. Solutions of acetone and carbon disulfide, on the other hand, have higher vapour pressures than those that would characterize an ideal solution.