Helen Hunt Jackson
Helen Hunt Jackson (born October 15, 1830, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.—died August 12, 1885, San Francisco, California) was an American poet, novelist, and advocate for Indigenous rights.
She was the daughter of Nathan Fiske, a professor at Amherst College in Massachusetts. She married Edward Hunt in 1852 and lived the life of a young army wife, traveling from post to post. Their first child died as an infant; her husband died in 1863, and their second child died soon after. She turned to writing, publishing poems in magazines and then her own collections, such as Verses (1870). She married William Jackson in 1875 and moved to Colorado.
A prolific writer, she is remembered primarily for her activism on behalf of Native Americans. A Century of Dishonor (1881) arraigned U.S. government policy toward Indigenous peoples; in its introductory material, Jackson describes her book’s purpose as “simply to show our causes for national shame in the matter of our treatment of the Indians.” Her subsequent appointment to a federal commission investigating the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples provided material for her novel Ramona (1884), which aroused public sentiment.