Lewisian Complex
Lewisian Complex, major division of Precambrian rocks in northwestern Scotland (the Precambrian began about 4.6 billion years ago and ended 542 million years ago). In the region where they occur, Lewisian rocks form the basement, or lowermost, rocks; they form all of the Outer Hebrides, as well as the islands of Coll and Tiree, and are exposed along the northwestern coast of Scotland. The oldest rocks of the Lewisian have been dated by radiometric techniques at between 2.4 billion and 2.6 billion years old, whereas the youngest Lewisian rocks have been dated at 1.6 billion years. Lewisian rocks originally consisted of both igneous and sedimentary rocks that have been altered from their original composition and structure through time by heat, pressure, and the action of solutions of one sort or another. The dominant rock type is grayish gneiss that is rich in quartz, feldspar, and iron-rich minerals. Some sedimentary-derived Lewisian rocks, especially in the region of Loch Maree and South Harris, still retain some of their original sedimentary features and indicate that the sediments were originally shales, sandstones, and some limestones. Many igneous intrusions also occur, including granites, pegmatites, and dolerites. Three major subdivisions of the Lewisian Complex are recognized: the lowermost Scourian Complex, followed by the Inverian Complex and the Laxfordian Complex. Rocks of the Lewisian Complex are overlain by those of the Torridonian Series. Lewisian rocks have been profoundly affected by two major periods of deformation, the first of which occurred during the time represented by the Scourian Complex and the second during the Laxfordian. The radiometric dates obtained for the age of the Lewisian are essentially the dates of these periods of deformation.