Macedonius (flourished 4th century) was a Greek bishop of Constantinople and a leading moderate Arian theologian in the 4th-century Trinitarian controversy. His teaching concerning the Son, or Logos (“Word”), oscillated between attributing to him an “identity of essence” (Greek: homoousios) and “perfect similarity” with the divinity of the Father, or Godhead. After Macedonius’s death, a heretical Christian sect that rejected the divinity of the Holy Spirit arose; because of the similarity of their teaching to Macedonius’s doctrine of the Son, they were called Macedonians. See Macedonianism.
About 339 Macedonius usurped the episcopal throne of Constantinople from the orthodox incumbent with the support of the Arian faction, a heretical group that denied the absolute divinity of the Son. Except for the conservative, or orthodox, ascendancy (346–351), he held office until 360. Although he maintained an ambiguous theological stance, he repressed the orthodox Nicene element in Constantinople. Because of his semi-Arian orientation or his political differences with the Roman emperor Constantius II (reigned 337–361), he lost favour and, at a local church council in 360, was deposed and exiled.