Vladko Maček
Vladko Maček (born July 20, 1879, Jastrebarsko, near Zagreb, Cro.—died May 15, 1964, Washington, D.C., U.S.) was a nationalist and leader of the Croatian Peasant Party who opposed Serbian domination of Yugoslavia. He served as deputy prime minister in the Yugoslav government from 1939 to 1941.
Maček became a member of the Croatian Peasant Party in 1905, when Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1920 he was elected to serve as a member of the Yugoslav Constituent Assembly. In 1928 Maček took over the leadership of the party, which was in the process of changing from a social and agrarian movement into a nationalist party dominated by middle-class intellectuals who were opposed to the Serbian-dominated government of Yugoslavia. He fought for a federal system, and, when he refused to submit to King Alexander, who had assumed dictatorial powers (1929), he was twice imprisoned (1929–30, 1933–34). Under the ensuing regency of Prince Paul, parliamentary elections were held, and Maček’s candidates won an overwhelming victory in the Croatian region in 1935 and again in 1939.
In August 1939 Maček negotiated a compromise agreement with the government of Dragisa Cvetković whereby Croatia would become autonomous with its own parliament. Croatia would also be represented in the central government at Belgrade, which Maček entered as deputy prime minister in the same month. During World War II he reluctantly agreed to Yugoslavia’s adherence to the Anti-Comintern Pact (Germany, Italy, and Japan) on March 25, 1941, in exchange for German guarantees. Two days later a military coup replaced Paul’s regency with King Peter II, and Maček remained in the new administration. After the conquest of Yugoslavia by the Axis powers (April 1941), he stayed in the country but refused the German invitation to head a puppet government and withdrew from politics. When the communists took over the country in 1945, he fled to Paris and eventually settled in Washington, D.C., where he wrote In the Struggle for Freedom (1957).