Maba cranium
Maba cranium, fossil fragments of an ancient human skull found in 1958 near the village of Maba (Ma-pa), Guangdong (Kwangtung) province, southern China. Intermediate in form between Homo erectus and H. sapiens, the remains are referred by many authorities to archaic H. sapiens or to an Asian extension of H. heidelbergensis.
Local farmers discovered the specimen and alerted scientists. The fossils consist of a skullcap and parts of the right upper face, including bones of the nose. As on H. erectus, the browridges are pronounced, forming an arch over each eye, and the bones of the braincase are low and thick. Even so, the brain was apparently larger than that of H. erectus, though precise measurement of cranial capacity is not possible, as the skull’s base is incomplete.
Animal fossils found with the skull have been dated to about 130,000 years ago, during which time Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) occupied Europe. The original scientific description of the specimen noted similarities to European and western Asian Neanderthals, but the Maba cranium lacks the unique anatomic features of Neanderthals and thus makes classification difficult.