Bartolomé Mitre
Bartolomé Mitre (born June 26, 1821, Buenos Aires, Argentina—died January 18, 1906, Buenos Aires) was an Argentine politician, soldier, and author who, as president of Argentina, was instrumental in uniting a war-torn nation and inaugurating an era of peace and economic progress in the last half of the 19th century.
Growing up in Buenos Aires under the dictatorship of Juan Manuel de Rosas, Mitre began a 15-year exile in 1837. Traveling to Uruguay, Bolivia, and Peru, he served in military campaigns, edited the newspaper El Mercurio, and wrote constantly against the Rosas regime. In 1852 he returned to Argentina as the leader of the Uruguayan forces in the Battle of Caseros, which led to the downfall of Rosas.
The next year Mitre became the leader of secessionist Buenos Aires province, whose citizens had refused to accept the new federal constitution, which minimized the role of their city in Argentine affairs. He held a number of offices in the provincial government and was the governor when the province defeated the federal forces in 1861. The national capital was moved again to Buenos Aires, and he was elected president of a united Argentina. Establishing an efficient administration, he suppressed the rural caudillos (bosses), extended the postal service and telegraph lines, organized public finances, and established new courts. He fostered increased foreign trade and encouraged immigration. When Paraguay declared war in 1864, he assumed command of the Argentine forces.
At the end of his presidential term in 1868, he was elected to the Senate, in which he served as leader of the middle-class interests in the nation. In 1874 he ran for president again, only to claim that his defeat was fraudulent and to lead an unsuccessful rebellion against the victor. He tried for the presidency again in 1891 but withdrew in favour of the Conservative candidate. Throughout these years and until his death, he stood as a symbol of Argentine unity and as a spokesman for economic development.
Mitre’s contributions to the cultural life of Argentina were also of the first importance. He was founder of the newspaper La Nación (1870) and the Argentine Academy of History. He wrote much poetry and many prose works and did considerable translating (including Dante) and numerous historical studies, including the multi-volume Historia de Belgrano (1858–59) and Historia de San Martín (1887–88).