association croquet
association croquet, lawn game in which players use wooden mallets to hit balls through a series of wire hoops, or wickets, with a central peg as the ultimate goal. It is played on an organized basis in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. (For the origins of the game and a general history, see croquet.)
In association croquet, two sides alternate play, each side consisting of either one or two players. Four matched balls, made of wood, plastic, or hard rubber, are used, each side playing different colours; blue and black are always partners against red and yellow. Singles players have two balls apiece. The object of the game is to hit each ball through all of the hoops consecutively, in each direction, and then to hit the peg point. The peg may be hit from any direction; each side thus has 26 points to score, 13 with each ball. A game is won by the number of points that the loser has yet to make when the opponent has hit the peg with both balls. In singles, any ordinary turn may be played with either ball of the side, provided that no ordinary turn is played with the same ball again until all the balls are in play. In doubles, one partner plays throughout with one ball and his teammate plays with the other. When all four balls are in play, the sides alternate, but the partners of a double need not alternate in their play.
The association croquet court is rectangular, 35 yards (31.95 m) long by 28 yards (25.56 m) wide, and is defined by a boundary line. A yard line runs around the court one yard inside of the boundary line. Portions of the yard line, 13 yards (11.9 m) long, are the balk lines, from either of which each player starts his first turn. An ordinary turn consists of one stroke; but if that stroke is a roquet—a move in which the ball strikes one of the other three balls—or if the ball passes through a hoop, the turn is extended. A player earns two additional strokes after a roquet: first, a croquet stroke, which is played by placing one’s ball in contact with the roqueted ball and then striking one’s ball with the mallet, thereby driving the roqueted ball out of position; and secondly, one more ordinary stroke, called a continuation stroke. This second additional stroke also may roquet one of the other balls, but each ball may be roqueted only once in each turn, unless a point is scored (that is, the ball passes through a hoop).
In a modified version known as golf croquet, all balls are played for one hoop at a time, with the hoops played in order. A point is scored by the side whose ball first runs through each hoop.
In the United Kingdom, croquet tournaments are governed by the Croquet Association, founded in 1896, which sponsors the open championships; the men’s, women’s, and mixed-doubles championships; and invitational events, including the President’s Cup. Separate governing bodies for croquet also exist in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In the 1970s, interest in association croquet arose in the United States, and the United States Croquet Association was founded in 1976.