Resia Pass
Resia Pass, pass south of the Austrian-Italian border and just east of the Swiss frontier. It is 4,934 feet (1,504 m) high and about 1 mile (1.6 km) long and separates the Unterengadin section of the Inn River valley, Austria, from the Venosta Valley or Adige River valley, Italy. The pass marks the divide between the watersheds of the Adriatic and Black seas and between the Rhaetian and Ötztal Alps. Just below the pass lie the Italian hamlet of Resia and Lake Resia, a man-made lake created in 1949 by joining two smaller lakes. The Resia Road cuts away from the Inn River near Pfunds, Austria, and rises slowly to the Finstermünz Pass above the Inn Gorge. Continuing past the village of Nauders to Resia Pass, the road then descends to Bolzano, where it joins the Brenner Pass road and railway.