Mariano Rumor
Mariano Rumor (born June 16, 1915, Vicenza, Italy—died Jan. 22, 1990, Vicenza) was a leader of Italy’s Christian Democrat Party and premier in several governments from 1968 to 1974.
After graduation from the University of Padua, Rumor became a teacher. During World War II he served as an officer in the artillery, and in 1943 he joined the partisans to fight against the Fascist and German forces. In 1945 he became a member of the Christian Democrat Party and a year later was chosen by the district of Verona as a deputy to the assembly charged with forming the new republican constitution. He entered Parliament in 1948.
After serving as undersecretary for agriculture in the governments of Alcide De Gasperi and Giuseppe Pella, he was elected deputy secretary of his party in 1954. During 1959–63 he was minister for agriculture under the successive governments of Antonio Segni, Fernando Tambroni, and Amintore Fanfani, and his name was linked with the so-called “green plan” to develop agriculture in Italy. For five months in 1963–64 he was minister for home affairs under Giovanni Leone, during the difficult times of the Alto Adige (South Tirol) terrorism and the Vaiont Dam disaster, in which more than 1,500 persons were killed. Made secretary-general and then political secretary of the party, he became premier for the first time in 1968, supported initially by the Christian Democrats alone, then by the parties of the centre-left coalition. Rumor was Italy’s premier in five different governments between 1968 and 1974. He had to cope with economic crises and with the labour unrest and political extremism that were on the rise in Italy at the time. He served as foreign minister from 1974 to 1976.