Shaiva-siddhanta, religious and philosophical system of South India in which Shiva is worshipped as the supreme deity. It draws primarily on the Tamil devotional hymns written by Shaiva saints from the 5th to the 9th century, known in their collected form as Tirumurai. Meykanadevar (13th century) was the first systematic philosopher of the school.
Shaiva-siddhanta posits three universal realities: the individual soul (pashu), the Lord (pati—i.e., Shiva), and the soul’s bondage (pasha) within the fetters of existence. These fetters comprise ignorance, karma, and the delusory nature of phenomenal reality (maya). Acts of service and good conduct (carya), structured worship (kriya), spiritual discipline (Yoga), and deep learning (jnana) enable the soul to be freed from bondage.