Karl Philipp, prince zu Schwarzenberg
Karl Philipp, prince zu Schwarzenberg (born April 15, 1771, Vienna, Austria—died Oct. 15, 1820, Leipzig [Germany]) was an Austrian field marshal and diplomat who was one of the most successful Allied commanders in the Napoleonic Wars and who contributed significantly to the French emperor’s defeat in 1813–14.
Scion of one of the oldest aristocratic houses of the Habsburg empire, Schwarzenberg joined the Austrian army in 1787 and served against the Turks in 1788–89. He was a cavalry officer during the War of the First Coalition against Revolutionary France (1792–97), and he distinguished himself during the War of the Second Coalition (1798–1802), covering the Austrian withdrawal after the defeat at Hohenlinden (1800). Saving his troops after the Austrian defeat at the Battle of Ulm (1805), Schwarzenberg became vice president of the Hofkriegsrat (Supreme Imperial War Council) and planned the creation of a popular militia to defend the Austrian domains. He partly initiated the army reforms that made possible Austria’s early successes in the next war against Napoleon (1809), in which he also distinguished himself as a field commander in the Battle of Wagram. Schwarzenberg’s most noteworthy diplomatic efforts were persuading the emperor Alexander I to delay Russian support of France in 1809 and, as ambassador to France, negotiating, one year later, the marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian emperor Francis I’s daughter Marie-Louise. He also negotiated Austria’s agreement to participate with France in the war of 1812 against Russia.
In command of the Austrian contingent of Napoleon’s army invading Russia, Schwarzenberg, in accordance with Austrian policy, held his forces back and during the winter of 1812–13 retreated into Austrian territory, thus facilitating the junction between Russian and Prussian forces. Henceforward he headed the party at the Austrian court that urged war against Napoleon, and in August 1813, when this policy prevailed, he was promoted to field marshal and appointed commander in chief of the Allied forces. On the advice of Field Marshal Joseph, Count Radetzky, Schwarzenberg united the Allied armies near Leipzig and dealt Napoleon the decisive defeat (at the Battle of Leipzig) that liberated Germany. Following that success he pushed the French westward across the Rhine River and directed the Allies’ operations in France that led to the final collapse of Napoleon’s forces in 1814.
As head of the Hofkriegsrat from 1814, Schwarzenberg argued for more easily defensible frontiers for the Habsburg empire. At the Congress of Vienna (1815) he opposed Prussia’s demand for all of Saxony, which would have meant the Prussian encirclement of Austrian-held Bohemia. He suffered a stroke in 1817 and died three years later.