adat, customary law of the indigenous peoples of Malaysia and Indonesia. It was the unwritten, traditional code governing all aspects of personal conduct from birth to death. Two kinds of Malay adat law developed prior to the 15th century: Adat Perpateh developed in a matrilineal kinship structure in areas occupied by the Minangkabau people in Sumatra and Negeri Sembilan; Adat Temenggong originated in bilaterally based territorial social units. Both adat forms were markedly transformed by Islāmic and later European legal systems.
Adat Perpateh emphasized law based on group responsibility. Criminal or civil offenses were not differentiated. Punishment stressed compensation rather than retribution. A crime was absolved by payment in kind, for example, or by a reconciliation feast given to the aggrieved person. Payment was enforced by community pressure. Mutilation and death penalties rarely were invoked. Acceptance of circumstantial evidence was a prominent feature of Adat Perpateh.
Prior to Islāmic influence Adat Temenggong consisted of a mixture of Hindu law and native custom. It encompassed civil, criminal, constitutional, and maritime law and invoked torture, amputation, or even death as punishment for offenses.
Both adat systems continued into the 20th century, until formalized European jurisprudence largely displaced them.