Cromerian Interglacial Stage
Cromerian Interglacial Stage, major division of Pleistocene time and deposits in northern Europe (the Pleistocene Epoch dates from about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago). The Cromerian Interglacial follows the Menapian Glacial Stage and precedes the Elster Glacial Stage; it is equated with the Günz-Mindel Interglacial of the European Alpine region. The Cromerian is generally considered to mark the inception of middle Pleistocene times.
In England the Cromerian is represented by the Cromer Forest Bed Series, which consists of peats, sands, and silts that contain a good record of the plant life of the time. Pollen studies indicate that a pine-birch forest was replaced by one dominated by oaks, which in turn was replaced by a conifer forest, changes indicating that the climate varied from cool to temperate to cool, respectively.