freedom of information
freedom of information (FOI), a presumptive right of access to official information, qualified by exemptions and subject to independent adjudication by a third party. The adjudicator may be a court, a tribunal, a commissioner, or an ombudsman and may have the power to require, or only to recommend, the release of information.
The scope and application of freedom of information (FOI) laws vary from country to country. The first FOI law was adopted in the United States in 1966 and strengthened following the Watergate scandal in 1972–74. Initially, the American lead was not followed—at least not outside Scandinavia and northern Europe. The second wave of FOI laws did not begin until the early 1980s. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand all adopted FOI statutes in 1982, and during the next decade the spread of legislation gathered pace in Europe and the British Commonwealth. Throughout the decade, countries were beginning to borrow from one another’s experience. But FOI did not become an international norm until the 1990s. Championed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Bank, the Council of Europe, and other supranational bodies, FOI is now perceived as an essential component of open and democratic government.
The motives for adopting FOI statutes vary widely across jurisdictions and across time. Historians of FOI in the 1960s and ’70s correctly point to the intellectual origins of the new laws in the citizens’ rights movement, in consumerism, in distrust of an overmighty bureaucracy, and in the struggle for press freedom. But by the 1990s many countries were adopting FOI for quite different reasons: to obtain loans and, in particular, to fight corruption. This is indicative of a broader pattern. Individual FOI statutes are commonly the product of local political struggles, and their design is influenced by the objectives of the campaigners and legislators engaged in those struggles. They do not follow one, universal template; rather, they are tools shaped for particular purposes and crafted in accordance with local compromises.