Project MAC
Project MAC, a collaborative computer endeavour in the 1960s that sought to to create a functional time-sharing system. Project MAC, founded in 1963 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and the National Science Foundation. The goal for the project was to allow many users access to the programs of a single computer from various locations. Project MAC’s pioneering exploration of the working methods of multiple-user access became a foundation for modern computer networking and online collaboration.
Project MAC was first directed by MIT computer scientist Robert M. Fano, with computer scientist Fernando José Corbató as a founding member. The term project was used rather than laboratory to inspire individuals at MIT to join the effort without disaffiliating themselves from their current laboratories. One of the project’s first contributions was to expand and provide hardware for Corbató’s 1961 Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) software, which permitted multiple users at dispersed terminals to run programs centrally located on one machine. Innovative computer scientist and ARPA group leader J.C.R. Licklider contributed immensely to the expansion of that system and believed that CTSS would facilitate greater efficiency, reduce costs, and save time by permitting many users to share one large computer instead of employing individual small machines.
Within six months of Project MAC’s creation, 200 users were able to access the system in 10 different MIT departments. By 1967 Project MAC had become its own interdepartmental laboratory, separated from its earlier Department of Electrical Engineering home. In 1969 Project MAC, Bell Laboratories, and General Electric jointly developed Multics, the Multiplexed Information and Computing Service. Multics evolved from computer time-sharing into an online computer system and incorporated features such as file sharing and management and system security into its design. The complex system could support 300 simultaneous users on 1,000 MIT terminals and prompted Bell Labs to employ a simpler form of the UNIX operating system.
Project MAC became the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) at MIT in 1976 and broadened its focus. Lab director Michael L. Dertouzos pushed for developing more-intelligent programs to run on the computer systems. In addition, to promote computer use, the laboratory studied how to develop cost-effective user-friendly systems and explored the theoretical foundations in computer science that sought to understand limitations on space and time. Advancing the role of the computer system, the LCS focused on creating applications that would foster online computing in several academic disciplines, including architecture, biology, medicine, and library sciences. LCS joined with MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI Lab) in 2004 to become the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the largest research laboratory at MIT.