Battle of Breitenfeld
Battle of Breitenfeld, the first major Protestant victory of the Thirty Years’ War. On September 17, 1631, the army of the Roman Catholic Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II and the Catholic League, under Johan Isaclaes, Graf von Tilly, was destroyed by the Swedish-Saxon army under King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden. The battle marked the emergence of Sweden as a great power and the triumph of the new Swedish flexible linear tactics over the old massive infantry formations that had long dominated European warfare.
This first Battle of Breitenfeld, fought on the northern outskirts of Leipzig, Germany, was the first major Catholic defeat of the Thirty Years’ War. The winning general, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, showed exceptional skill as a commander. His victory boosted Protestant hopes, which had been dashed by the loss at the Battle of Magdeburg.
On September 15, Gustavus Adolphus’s army of 23,000 joined 16,000 soldiers from the Electorate of Saxony. Gustavus Adolphus was eager for a victory to convince other Protestant states to join him. In Leipzig, the imperial commander, Count Tilly, had an army of 35,000. On September 17, the two armies met on a plain near the village of Breitenfeld.
Tilly’s army drew up with his infantry, which formed in squares flanked by cavalry. Gustavus Adolphus formed up in a similar fashion, but kept his lines separate from the raw Saxon army, which occupied a position to the left of the Swedes. From noon to 2:00 PM there was an artillery exchange in which the Swedish guns outnumbered those of the Catholics by fifty-one to twenty-seven. The Swedish cavalry moved to outflank their enemy, who in response launched a charge, which was unable to make any headway after two hours of fighting. Meanwhile, imperial forces attacked the Saxon army, which quickly fled the field. The rapid advance unsettled the imperial lines, and the Swedish forces were able to reorder, creating a new left flank. At 5:00 PM Gustavus Adolphus launched a counterattack through the center. His highly trained troops forced back the imperial army, whose resistance ceased at dusk when thousands, including a badly wounded Tilly, fled the field. The imperial forces retreated to Leipzig but, lacking an adequate force to defend the city, withdrew west across the Weser River, leaving the Swedish and Saxon forces in uncontested control of the Main River valley and Bohemia. Ironically, the 6,000 imperial troops who surrendered on the battlefield to the Swedish forces, most of them mercenaries, immediately enlisted in the Protestant cause. Gustavus Adolphus was thence feted as the “Lion of the North,” and was able to draw several Protestant states into a major alliance.
A second Battle of Breitenfeld, fought on November 2, 1642, also ended in Swedish victory. A memorial on the battlefield is dedicated to the forces on both sides in both battles, inscribed “Glaubens-Freiheit für die Welt” (Freedom of belief for the world).
Losses: Catholic, 7,000 dead, 6,000 surrendered on the field (and 3,000 the next day at Leipzig) of 35,000; Swedish, 2,100 of 23,000; Saxon, 3,000 of 16,000.