George Brown
George Brown (born November 29, 1818, Edinburgh, Scotland—died May 9, 1880, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) was a Canadian journalist and politician who was committed to federalism and to weakening the powers of the French Roman Catholic Church in Canada. As proprietor of The Globe (Toronto), he wielded considerable political influence in Canada West (Upper Canada, now Ontario), where his newspaper was extremely popular.
Brown immigrated with his father to New York City in 1837, and in 1843 he moved to Toronto, where he began publication of the Banner, a newspaper supporting the newly formed Free Church of Scotland. The following year he began to issue The Globe, a weekly Reform political journal, which became a daily in 1853. In 1857 he entered the Parliament of the Province of Canada as a Reform member for Kent county. His attacks against the presumed political power of the Roman Catholic Church won him support in Canada West (formerly Upper Canada; now Ontario) and unpopularity in Canada East (formerly Lower Canada; now Quebec). The secularization of crown land set aside to maintain a Protestant clergy in Canada (the Clergy Reserves) was largely the result of his campaign to separate church and state, but his attempts to achieve secularization of all Canadian schools failed.
Pressing for proportional representation for Canada West and Canada East in Parliament (in creating the Province of Canada, the 1840 Act of Union had granted an equal number of representatives to both components), Brown rebuilt the Canada West Reform Party and briefly held office in 1858 as attorney general of Canada West (in effect the joint premier of the Province of Canada). One of the first to advocate a confederation of British North America, he entered a coalition with his personal and political opponent, the Conservative leader John Macdonald. Dissatisfied with the proposed terms for a renewed reciprocity treaty with the United States, however, he resigned from the government (December 1865) and never again sat in the House of Commons, though he sought reelection in 1867.
Influential in bringing about Canada’s acquisition of the Northwest Territories, Brown entered the Senate in 1874 and helped negotiate a new reciprocity treaty with the United States in that same year, although it failed to gain congressional approval. He refused the lieutenant governorship of Ontario and offers of knighthood and devoted his energies to The Globe. He was fatally shot by one of his discharged employees.