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All About Astronomy

Question: Which of these American astronomers discovered Pluto in 1930?
Answer: Clyde Tombaugh, an amateur astronomer, discovered Pluto in 1930.
Question: What do most asteroids orbit?
Answer: Most asteroids orbit the Sun on orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
Question: Who was the first astronomer to use a telescope?
Answer: Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), an Italian astronomer, used a telescope to observe cosmic events. He sighted four of Jupiter’s moons.
Question: Which of the following is not a scientific optical instrument?
Answer: A periscope allows the viewer to view objects not in the line of sight, such as around corners or above the surface of the water from below. It is best known for its use in military submarines.
Question: How often, approximately, is Halley’s Comet visible from Earth (in years)?
Answer: Halley’s comet appears in the night sky approximately every 75 years. Its next appearance will be in 2061.
Question: Which of these planets has an atmosphere made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane?
Answer: The atmosphere of Uranus is primarily composed of molecular hydrogen, helium, and methane.
Question: Which astronomer wrote the Aryabhatiya?
Answer: Aryabhata I, a great Indian astronomer, pioneered the prediction of eclipses, among many other things. India’s first satellite, launched in 1975, is named for him.
Question: Which of these contain large quantities of ice?
Answer: Comets contain large quantities of ice, along with silicate grains and other solid materials.
Question: What astronomer suggested that the Sun was at the center of the solar system?
Answer: In On the Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) suggested that Earth revolved around the Sun.