Ancient Greek Literature Quiz
- Question: What ancient Greek poet is known chiefly by quotations in other authors’ works?
- Answer: The lyric poet Sappho is known chiefly by quotations in other authors’ works. It is not known how her poems were published and circulated in her own lifetime and for the following three or four centuries. By the 8th or 9th century CE, Sappho was represented only by quotations in other authors’ works. Only one poem, 28 lines long, was complete. Since 1898 these fragments have been greatly increased by papyrus finds.
- Question: Which playwright is best known for his play Oedipus the King?
- Answer: Sophocles was one of Classical Athens’ great tragic playwrights. The best known of his dramas is Oedipus the King (also called Oedipus Rex), which was first performed sometime between 430 and 426 BCE.
- Question: Who was the first of Classical Athens’ great tragic dramatists?
- Answer: Aeschylus was the first of Classical Athens’ great tragic dramatists. He was born in 525/524 BCE and wrote about 90 plays before his death in 456/455. Only seven of his tragedies have survived in their complete form.
- Question: Which playwright was the chief exponent of Old Comedy in ancient Greece?
- Answer: The playwright Aristophanes was the chief exponent of so-called Old Comedy in ancient Greece. The term refers to a phase of Greek comedy that dates to about the 5th century BCE. It is characterized by wildly imaginative material (in which the chorus might represent birds, frogs, wasps, or clouds) blended with a grotesque, vulgar, and witty tone, which could still accommodate poetry of great lyrical beauty.
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