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Authors of Classic Literature

Question: Who wrote Animal Farm?
Answer: George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, a fable about Cold War politics, in 1945.
Question: Who wrote the Tarzan novels?
Answer: Tarzan is the hero of novels by U.S. novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan is an English nobleman’s son abandoned in an African jungle who was raised by a community of apes.
Question: Who wrote Brave New World?
Answer: English novelist Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World (1932). It portrays a society in which scientific advancement has erased individuality and free thought.
Question: Who wrote Lord of the Flies?
Answer: In Lord of the Flies, (1954) William Golding explores humankind’s most basic nature and examines the role of society and civilization in our behavior.
Question: Who wrote Birds of America?
Answer: John James Audubon’s original Birds of America, which appeared serially, is often called the elephant folio because each page was more than 1 meter long and 0.6 meter wide.
Question: Who wrote I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings?
Answer: Maya Angelou is an African American writer well known for her autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Question: Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath?
Answer: John Steinbeck (1902–68) is best remembered for his novel The Grapes of Wrath, which describes the hopelessness of the Great Depression era.
Question: Who wrote War and Peace?
Answer: The author of War and Peace, set in the Napoleonic Wars, is the Russian novelist and writer Leo Tolstoy.