- Question: What instrument did Ringo Starr play for the Beatles?
- Answer: Ringo Starr was the drummer for the rock group the Beatles.
- Question: Which of these albums did the Beatles release in 1968?
- Answer: The Beatles, also known as the "White Album," appeared in 1968, the same year the Beatles’ film Yellow Submarine was released.
- Question: In which English city did the Beatles form?
- Answer: John Lennon formed a band in Liverpool, England, while in high school in the mid-1950s. Paul McCartney and then George Harrison joined the group in the late 1950s.
- Question: Which of these was not a member of the Beatles?
- Answer: George Jones is a noted country singer.
- Question: Which of these is not an album by The Beatles?
- Answer: Nevermind is an early album by the American group Nirvana. It appeared in 1991.
- Question: How many members of the Beatles were knighted?
- Answer: Only Paul McCartney was knighted by the Queen of England.
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© 1968 United Artists Corporation
© 1968 United Artists Corporation