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Can You Match The Moon To Its Planet? Quiz

Question: Amalthea
Answer: Amalthea is a moon of Jupiter. It was discovered by visual observation by Edward Emerson Barnard in 1892
Question: Nereid
Answer: Nereid is a moon of Neptune. It was discovered in telescopic photographs in 1949.
Question: Triton
Answer: Triton is a moon of Neptune. It was discovered visually through a telescope in 1846.
Question: Deimos
Answer: Deimos is a moon of Mars. It was discovered in 1877.
Question: Cordelia
Answer: Cordelia is a moon of Uranus. It is the planet’s innermost moon.
Question: Phoebe
Answer: Phoebe is a moon of Saturn. It is one of the most distant of Saturn’s moons.
Question: Phobos
Answer: Phobos is a moon of Mars. It was discovered in 1877.