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Do You Know Which African American Inventor Created Which Product?

Question: Who patented a design for automatically opening and closing elevator doors?
Answer: Alexander Miles patented a design for automatically opening and closing elevator doors.
Question: In 1872 who patented a device that automatically oiled locomotive parts while the train was moving?
Answer: In 1872 Elijah McCoy patented a device that automatically oiled locomotive parts while the train was moving.
Question: Who patented new and useful improvements to the water closet (toilet)?
Answer: Jerome Bonaparte Rhodes patented new and useful improvements to the water closet (toilet).
Question: Who patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower?
Answer: John Albert Burr patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower, which prevented the mower from being blocked by grass clippings.
Question: Which inventor, who was awarded some 35 patents for electrical inventions, was known as “the Black Edison?”
Answer: Granville T. Woods, who was awarded some 35 patents for electrical inventions from 1884 to 1890, was known as “the Black Edison.” In 1885 he patented the “telegraphony,” a device an operator could use to send both telegraph and voice messages.
Question: Which engineer, inventor, and educator was granted a patent for a flow distributor that was used on nuclear reactor cores?
Answer: Alfred A. Bishop was an engineer, inventor, and educator who was granted a patent for a flow distributor that was used on nuclear reactor cores.
Question: Who was granted a patent for creating a portable shield to protect army gunners and the infantry supporting them?
Answer: Harde Spears was granted a patent for creating a portable shield to protect army gunners and the infantry supporting them.
Question: In the mid-19th century who developed a method of refining sugar which consisted of a series of vacuum pans combined in a step-by-step process to make heated evaporated sugar into crystallized granules?
Answer: In the mid-19th century Norbert Rillieux developed a method of refining sugar which consisted of a series of vacuum pans combined in a step-by-step process to make heated evaporated sugar into crystallized granules. He patented the production improvement in 1843.
Question: Who designed and patented a shoe lasting machine, which mechanically stitched the shoe leather to the sole of the shoe?
Answer: Jan Ernst Matzeliger designed and patented a shoe lasting machine, which mechanically stitched the shoe leather to the sole of the shoe.
Question: Who was the inventor of a guitar called the Euphonica?
Answer: Robert F. Flemmings, Jr., was the inventor of a guitar called the Euphonica.
Question: Who, along with her husband, invented the first form of a home security system?
Answer: Marie van Brittan Brown and her husband invented the first form of a home security system.
Question: Who invented and perfected the modern design for a ship’s sail?
Answer: James Forten, Sr., invented and perfected the modern design for a ship’s sail.
Question: Who invented the automatic railroad car coupler commonly known as the “Jenny coupler”?
Answer: Andrew Jackson Beard invented the automatic railroad car coupler commonly known at the “Jenny coupler.”
Question: Who improved the function of the fountain pen by designing a reservoir to hold the ink and a mechanism to deliver the ink to the tip?
Answer: William B. Purvis improved the function of the fountain pen by designing a reservoir to hold the ink and a mechanism to deliver the ink to the tip.
Question: Who refined a soy protein that became the basis of Aero-Foam, a foam fire extinguisher used by the U.S. Navy in World War II?
Answer: Percy Julian refined a soy protein that became the basis of Aero-Foam, a foam fire extinguisher used by the U.S. Navy in World War II.
Question: In 1881 who, along with Joseph V. Nichols, made improvements to Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb?
Answer: Lewis Howard Latimer, along with Joseph V. Nichols, made improvements to Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb.
Question: In 1935 who invented the first automatic refrigeration for long-haul trucks and railroad cars?
Answer: In 1935 Frederick McKinley Jones invented the first automatic refrigeration for long-haul trucks and railroad cars.
Question: Who introduced the harpoon, greatly changing the whaling industry?
Answer: Louis Temple introduced the harpoon, greatly changing the whaling industry.
Question: Who invented the gas mask?
Answer: Garrett Augustus Morgan invented the gas mask.