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Electricity: Short Circuits & Direct Currents

Question: Which of the following is not an electrical conductor?
Answer: If material is attached across the poles of a battery and a current flows because electrons flow, the material is said to be a conductor. Glass is not a conductor.
Question: Who discovered the law of electrolysis?
Answer: Michael Faraday discovered the laws of electrolysis by measuring how much material was transported by known amounts of electric current in an electrolytic cell.
Question: Who invented the battery?
Answer: Alessandro Volta, for whom the volt is named, invented the first battery in 1800. It was called the Voltaic pile.
Question: Which of the following materials is an insulator?
Answer: When materials are placed between the poles of a battery and no current flows, they are called insulators. Rubber, glass, plastic, and wood are usually insulators.
Question: What do we call a material that heat or electricity can move through?
Answer: A conductor is a material that heat or electricity can move through, such as copper.
Question: Where would you not find a cell phone tower?
Answer: Cell phone towers require positioning aboveground in order to relay their signals.
Question: A lead acid battery stores what kind of electricity?
Answer: Batteries produce direct current, which flows in one direction.
Question: Electricity that reaches our homes through cables is called:
Answer: Electricity that flows through cables as a current flows through a river is called current electricity.