European Atlas
- Question: What European country is an international center of finance?
- Answer: Switzerland, home to some of the world’s largest banks, is a center for international finance.
- Question: On what day does France celebrate Bastille Day?
- Answer: Bastille Day, honoring an event in the French Revolution, is celebrated on July 14.
- Question: What country does not make up part of Lapland?
- Answer: The northern area of Finland, Sweden, and Norway is traditionally called Lapland.
- Question: Which of these nations was not part of the former Yugoslavia?
- Answer: Albania is an independent country that borders the former Yugoslavia.
- Question: What colors are found on the flag of France?
- Answer: The flag of France is blue, white, and red.
- Question: Which of these cities is not in France?
- Answer: Bonn is in western Germany. When Germany was divided, it was the capital of West Germany.
- Question: In what country do trains bear the legend SNCF?
- Answer: SNCF is the French national railroad company. All intercity passenger trains in France bear these initials.
- Question: Which of these nations does not share a border with Norway?
- Answer: Norway has land borders only to the east, with Sweden, Finland, and Russia.
- Question: What is the name of the peninsula that Spain and Portugal occupy?
- Answer: The Iberian Peninsula takes its name from the Greek pronunciation of the Ebro River, which flows through Spain. That country and Portugal were known as Iberia.
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