Extrasolar Planets
- Question: The place in a planetary system where liquid water can survive on a planet's surface is called what?
- Answer: More than 20 planets less than twice as large as Earth orbit in their stars’ habitable zones.
- Question: GJ 504b has what unusual property?
- Answer: Just 57 light-years from Earth, GJ 504b has been nicknamed the Pink Planet.
- Question: The first extrasolar planets were found around which unusual type of star?
- Answer: Three planets were found around pulsar PSR 1257+12. It’s not known how the planets survived the supernova explosion that formed the pulsar.
- Question: About two-thirds of extrasolar planets have been found by which space telescope?
- Answer: The Kepler space telescope has found more than 2,000 planets. More than 3,000 are known.
- Question: Most extrasolar planets are discovered when they pass in front of their star and dim its light. This dimming is called what?
- Answer: The first planet found by its transit was observed in 1999.
- Question: The oldest planet known, nicknamed Methuselah, is approximately how old?
- Answer: Or 12.7 billion years, to be more precise, just 1 billion years younger than the universe itself.
- Question: Rocky planets that are bigger than about 1.5 times the diameter of Earth are called what?
- Answer: Some super-Earths are found in their stars’ habitable zones.
- Question: The four Neptune-like planets of Kepler-223 have orbits that are whole number ratios of each other. This is called what?
- Answer: For example, the innermost planet orbits the star four times in the time it takes the next outermost planet to complete three orbits.
- Question: What is happening to planet WD 1145+017b?
- Answer: The planet is passing close to its star, a white dwarf, and is being vaporized by its heat.
- Question: Fomalhaut b has one of the longest orbital periods of any planet. How long is it?
- Answer: Its orbit may pass through a large belt of debris around its star.

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T. Pyle—JPL-Caltech/NASA
T. Pyle—JPL-Caltech/NASA