From What Language...
- Question: From what language does the word "pajamas" come?
- Answer: The English word "pajamas" comes from the Hindi word "paijama," meaning loose-fitting trousers.
- Question: Which one of these words comes from a native Australian language?
- Answer: Wombat, the name of the curious animal, comes from the Darkinyung language spoken by native people who lived near present-day Sydney.
- Question: From what language does the word "syrup" come?
- Answer: Syrup comes from the Arabic word sharab, which means "wine" or "nectar."
- Question: From what language does the word "citadel" come?
- Answer: In Italian, cittadella means "little city." This refers to the interior of a castle.
- Question: From what language does the word Ubuntu come?
- Answer: Ubuntu is a Bantu word that refers to the interconnectedness of all people.
- Question: From what language does the word "academy" come?
- Answer: “Academy” comes from the name of the place where the Greek philosopher Plato taught, in the hills above ancient Athens. The name means “grove of oak trees.”
- Question: From what language does the word "vindaloo" come?
- Answer: Vindaloo comes from the language of Portuguese traders; vin d’alho means "wine and garlic sauce."
- Question: From what language does the word "tomato" come?
- Answer: The name tomato comes from tomatl, a word in the language of the Aztec people of Mexico, which is called Nahuatl.
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Andrea Astes—iStock/Thinkstock
Andrea Astes—iStock/Thinkstock