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Historical USA

Question: Which religious group is associated with the founding of Pennsylvania?
Answer: Pennsylvania was settled by Quakers, who worship God directly without help from priests or any organized body of churchgoers. They also have a long tradition of working for peace and opposing war.
Question: In which state was Henry Ford’s original motor works located?
Answer: Henry Ford established his automobile factory outside Detroit, Michigan, in the early 20th century.
Question: In which city would you find Jackson Square?
Answer: Jackson Square is a plaza that lies before the cathedral in the old French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Question: What is the oldest city in the United States?
Answer: The oldest continuous settlement in North America, St. Augustine is the seat of St. Johns County, on Florida’s Atlantic coast.
Question: In which state is Harvard University located?
Answer: Harvard University is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a city bordering Boston.
Question: In what year did Hawaii become a state?
Answer: Hawaii became an American state in 1959. It was the last state to be admitted into the United States.
Question: Which Massachusetts town is famed for witchcraft trials in the late 1600s?
Answer: Salem, Massachusetts, was the site of numerous witchcraft trials in the late 17th century.
Question: Which U.S. state capital is named for an explorer of the American West?
Answer: Carson City, the capital of Nevada, is named after the explorer Christopher "Kit" Carson.