History of American Politics
- Question: What spy organization was created in 1947?
- Answer: The Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, was created in 1947. It was responsible for gathering international intelligence for the U.S. government.
- Question: Which Supreme Court justice headed the commission that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy?
- Answer: Earl Warren is remembered for heading a committee that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
- Question: Which organization did J. Edgar Hoover head?
- Answer: J. Edgar Hoover was the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, for nearly half a century.
- Question: Which political program is associated with Franklin Roosevelt?
- Answer: The New Deal is a term used to describe a series of federal programs initiated during the first term of President Franklin Roosevelt.
- Question: Who did U.S. President Barack Obama appoint as Secretary of State in January 2009?
- Answer: Hillary Clinton, who ran against Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign, was Secretary of State in the Obama administration.
- Question: George Washington’s home is called:
- Answer: George Washington’s home and farm were at Mount Vernon, Virginia, across the Potomac River from the city now called Washington, D.C.
- Question: Who wrote the American Declaration of Independence?
- Answer: Thomas Jefferson of Virginia was the author of the Declaration of Independence. He later served as president of the United States.
- Question: How long is the term of a U.S. president, in years?
- Answer: The President of the United State serves a term of 4 years.
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