Jane Austen
- Question: Fact or Fiction: Jane Austen agreed to marry someone but broke this agreement a day later.
- Answer: In 1802 Austen received a proposal of marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, a wealthy man from her town. Although she initially accepted, she changed her mind the next day and did not marry him.
- Question: Austen dedicated Emma to which royal family member?
- Answer: Although in one letter Austen described not liking the Prince Regent (later King George IV), she still dedicated one of her novels to him after he requested she do so.
- Question: Fact or Fiction: Austen wrote under the pen name “A Lady.”
- Answer: Only Austen’s immediate family knew she was the author of her first published novel, Sense and Sensibility, which on the title page says it was written “By a Lady.”
- Question: What is the given title for Austen’s final, and unfinished, novel?
- Answer: Although the working title for the novel was The Brothers, Austen’s final novel was published under the name Sanditon.
- Question: Which novel famously opens with the line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”?
- Answer: The opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice gained notoriety for concisely introducing the major themes of the novel and is considered one of the greatest opening lines in literature.
- Question: Which of Austen’s novels inspired the popular 1995 movie Clueless?
- Answer: The romantic comedy Clueless updates Austen’s novel by having Beverly Hills serve as the backdrop.
- Question: Which county in England was Austen born in?
- Answer: Austen was born in Steventon, England, which is part of Hampshire county, to Reverend George and Cassandra Austen.
- Question: Which of Jane Austen’s siblings helped publish two of her novels posthumously?
- Answer: After his sister’s death, Henry Austen helped ensure the publication of two of Austen’s novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.
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