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Oceanography Quiz

Question: What is another name for seismic sea waves?
Answer: A seismic sea wave is also called a tsunami. This catastrophic ocean wave is usually caused by a submarine earthquake that occurs less than 50 km (30 miles) beneath the seafloor and has a magnitude greater than 6.5 on the Richter scale. Underwater or coastal landslides or volcanic eruptions also may cause tsunamis.
Question: Across which ocean does the Gulf Stream flow?
Answer: The Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current flowing in the North Atlantic Ocean northeastward off the North American coast between Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, U.S., and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada.
Question: Which of these is the tide of maximal range, which occurs near the times of new moon and full moon when the Sun and Moon are aligned with Earth?
Answer: Spring tide is the tide of maximal range, occurring near the times of new moon and full moon, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned.
Question: Which strong surface current of the Pacific Ocean (sometimes called the Japan Current) is the northeasterly continuation of the Pacific North Equatorial Current?
Answer: The Kuroshio, also called the Japan Current, is a strong surface oceanic current of the Pacific Ocean. It is the northeasterly flowing continuation of the Pacific North Equatorial Current between Luzon of the Philippines and the east coast of Japan.
Question: What organism usually causes a red tide?
Answer: Red tides, or red waters, occur worldwide in warm seas. This discoloration of seawater is usually caused by dinoflagellates during periodic blooms (population increases). Toxic substances released by these tiny organisms into the water may be lethal to fish and other marine life.
Question: Who wrote the 1855 book The Physical Geography of the Sea, widely regarded as the first text on oceanography?
Answer: Matthew Fontaine Maury, a U.S. naval officer and pioneer hydrographer, was one of the founders of oceanography. In 1855 he published The Physical Geography of the Sea, the first modern oceanographic text.